Monday, March 14, 2011

Busy. Busy. Busy.

The internet connection at my house is a bit untrustworthy and annoying.
But, the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan was intense. It's hard to relate to the people suffering over there, because it's so far away. The media helps to desensitize the population, too. Constant exposure to tragedy can do that.
I'm angry with anyone who says that nuclear power is "safe" power. The half-lives of the radioactive materials used in nuclear power plants needs to be considered. The material is going to be toxic for thousands and thousands of years. How can we guarantee that the material will not affect the life in surrounding areas? We can't control human nature; we can't control disasters. We shouldn't manipulate harmful materials for short-sighted gain if we can't keep the materials from harming life on this planet. How many times do we have to be taught that lesson before we fully understand?

In closing, I feel bad for those people affected. Though, I am distant and detached from the situation. Natural disasters remind me why I am against nuclear power plants.

1 comment:

  1. in children and stress, we also learned that constant exposure can cause trauma to people who weren't there. some people are able to feel things through watching news coverage...

    and yes, nuclear power plants are bad news bears. wayne is an idiot.
